It’s no secret that video has completely transformed the online marketing scene and taken the internet by storm. With over 4 billion views on YouTube PER DAY, who would argue? What many savvy marketers who are leveraging this phenomenon realize is that:
Video is the next best thing to face-to-face and in online sales, nothing else even comes close.
I’m Ruth Sherman, “CEO & Celebrity Speech and Media Coach,” but you don’t have to be famous to work with me. For more than 20 years, I’ve partnered with Oscar-winning Hollywood celebrities, top C-level executives and entrepreneurs to harness their unique CHARISMA to be not just good, but amazing on camera and on stage.
I know I don’t have to convince you of the power of using video to maximize your visibility, exposure and reach. And I bet you know that consistently producing high-value, compelling videos will elevate your credibility so that more and more of your perfect, ideal customers see you as THE expert.
You’re most likely here because:
- You’re just getting started with video and it all seems so complicated, time-consuming and frankly, overwhelming. From equipment to makeup and lighting… How to dress and present yourself on camera. Oh and YouTube? If you do have a channel, you’ve probably never uploaded anything or you haven’t touched it in weeks. Am I right? OR
- You’ve been doing video for a little while (but not consistently). You’re finally ready to stop dipping your toe in and take the plunge . You’re convinced it’s the best way to connect more deeply with your target audience and supercharge your online sales. It’s time to get serious about video, use it to promote your brilliance and become the trusted authority in your industry. OR
- You are consistently using video in your marketing – now you’re ready to monetize your efforts and convert your CHARISMA to cash. Enough said.
In whichever of these categories you find yourself, the VideoCharisma™! Self-Paced Learning System was created with you in mind. Over the course of nine content-rich modules, we’ll walk step-by-step through how to plan, shoot and launch super engaging videos that sell.
Click below to get immediate access to Speakrets® VideoCharisma®!
Pay just $997 or 4 payments of $297
Special Offer just $195 or 2 payments of $99!
Speakrets® VideoCharisma®! A 9-Module Self-Paced Learning System for Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals
Below are the modules in this content-rich, power-packed training series:
Module 1: Compelling Content
Module 2: VideoCharisma® Part One
Module 3: Open Q&A Call (recorded)
Module 4: VideoCharisma® Part Two
Module 5: Equipment
Module 6: YouTube/Video Marketing Part One
Module 7: YouTube/Video Marketing Part Two
Module 8: Virtual Shoot/Upload Workshop (3 Parts)
Module 9: Screencasting
Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn in this program:
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- Equipment – Everything you need to shoot and upload video.
- Setting & Background – Staging the perfect background and the two, simple props that enhance you and your message.
- Lighting – How to use what you already have because, as my celebrity clients know, lighting is the key to hiding flaws and making you look great.
- Makeup – Exactly what to use and how much to apply to make the most of your best features. (Gentlemen, this goes for you, too!)
- Dress and Adornment – Colors, patterns, outfits and accessories to assure you communicate the right image.
- Presentation – Projecting your unique charisma and presence through movement, facial expression and voice.
- YouTube – The one, the only. We’ll get you set up and comfy because with 4 Billion views per DAY it cannot be ignored.
- Video Marketing – The tricks of the trade from a top expert so your videos not only get made, but get seen.
CONTENT – You can have all the above, but if your words don’t move people, don’t inspire them to take action, it’s all useless. You’ll learn some simple formulas that tap into the extensive knowledge you already have and your stakeholders want and need.
During each pre-recorded module, I’ll be on-camera demonstrating various VideoCharisma® techniques. You’ll see my slides, videos and desktop. It’s like you’re peeking right over my shoulders.
Want to Set Yourself Apart and Gain a Huge Competitive Edge?
It may seem like everyone is doing video, but in the grander scheme of things, no one is doing it. It’s true. Very few entrepreneurs and business professionals are taking advantage of this low-cost, high-impact marketing and branding tool. Just look around at your colleagues if you need proof. This creates massive opportunity for you to get ahead of the competition.
“Well if it works so great, why isn’t everyone doing it?”
In my long career, I’ve seen and heard it all. Really.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“I don’t have enough content.”
“I’m too nervous.”
“I hate the way I look on camera.”
What it all comes down to is FEAR. We all have different levels of fear and resistance when it comes to getting out there in a big way and “exposing” ourselves. Many think you have to suppress fears about public speaking and make them go away for good. That doesn’t work.
The key is to learn how to manage it. Even embrace it to a certain degree. As I tell my clients all the time: Get Over It (G.O.I) and Get It Done (G.I.D). Your business and your bank account will love you for it.
YES Ruth! I’m ready to expand my visibility and reach,
become THE trusted authority in my field and
Convert My VideoCharisma® to Cash!
Here’s what you’ll need to benefit most from this program and experience awesome results:
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- High speed Internet connection.
- Ability to watch and hear video on your computer.
- Latest version of Adobe Flash Player.
Webcam or other video camera/smartphone/tablet that you know how to use, including how to connect it to your computer to upload videos.
AND PLEASE don’t expect to just sit there passively and take it all in. Video – like any other type of speaking and presenting – is LEARN-BY-DOING. You cannot get comfortable on-camera or get better at it unless you do it, so you’ll have to be ready to TAKE THE VIDEO PLUNGE!
There are assignments where you will be asked to shoot videos. Practicing is key.
Because this is no excuses.
By the time you’ve completed VideoCharisma®, you’ll have everything you need to…[red_tick_list width=”100%”]
- Project yourself with confidence and great presence on-camera.
- Deliver a compelling, magnetic message.
- Launch your video on YouTube![/red_tick_list]
PLUS…You’ll also receive:
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- Downloadable mp3s of the entire program
- Complete transcripts of each module
- Links to all resources and sites you MUST investigate and learn from
- Accompanying slides for each module
- Other fabulous content including templates, checklists, and more of everything you’re learning about[/red_tick_list]
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My “You’re Gonna Be a Star!” Money Back Guarantee:
I’m so confident that VideoCharisma® is the boost you need to get out there in a big way on camera and attract and convert more of your ideal clients, that I’m willing to guarantee it. Test drive the program for 30 days and if you’re not convinced that this program will equip you to become the star you were born to be, then I’ll give you your money back. No questions asked.[/content_box_grey]
My CEO and Celebrity clients regularly pay me $25,000 per day for my services. The value of this program and all the bonuses is well over $7,100 and my trusted advisors have told me to charge no less than $2,997 because of the over 2 full days of content.
But I am so completely convinced of the enormous power of video, and so want you to have access to this powerful tool, I am offering it all for only $997 $195.
Click below to get immediate access to VideoCharisma™!
Pay just $997 or 4 payments of $297Special Offer just $195 or 2 payments of $99
I’ll see you on TV!